School canteen licence
Tender ID: 311262
Tender Details
Tender Description
School Canteen Licence Tenders are called for the licence of the School Canteen at Rose Bay Secondary College for the school year commencing Semester 2 2017 and for a term of approximately 5 years. Annual school enrolments will be approximately 1100 students.
A tender visit and briefing session will be held at 2pm Wednesday 3 May 2017.
Please register with the school for this visit.
All applicants must make themselves familiar with clause 2 of the tender offer.
General enquiries and requests for a Tender Information Package should be referred to:
Ms Kristina Mouritsen
School Administrative Manager
Rose Bay Secondary College
34A Hardy Street,
Dover Heights NSW 2030
Telephone: 02 9301 0300
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Confidential - School Canteen Tender" together with a $100 tender fee payment and sent to:
The Principal
Rose Bay Secondary College
34A Hardy Street,
Dover Heights NSW 2030