Lee 5 Call for Proposals
Tender ID: 364531
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Hunter Development Corporation is calling for Proposals for the purchase and development of the premium waterfront site located at 45 Honeysuckle Drive (the Site) also known as Lee 5.
This Disposal Process which aims to deliver a high-class development and continue to lift the standard of architecture across the Honeysuckle precinct and CBD.
The Site is north facing, has uninterrupted panoramic harbour views and is situated in the centre of the Honeysuckle Redevelopment Project in Newcastle, NSW.
The Site is zoned B4 Mixed Use under the Newcastle LEP 2012 and is approximately 5,600m2 in area. With a potential 12,740m2 of GFA, the Site is near the Newcastle Interchange, the new light rail, the university city campus, Marketown, and the booming West End.
This call for Proposals (CFP) is an opportunity for experienced Proponents to outline their vision for the Site and demonstrate their experience and capability to deliver an exciting development.
After assessing Proposals, HDC expects to invite a small number of Proponents to participate in a negotiation phase where the Shortlisted Proponents will be asked to clarify their concept designs, resolve any proposed contract departures and finalise financial offers.
This CFP is intended to provide Proponents with information on the Site and the Disposal Process to assist them in formulating their Proposals, and to govern the terms and conditions under which Proposals will be prepared, submitted and evaluated, and communications (if any, including negotiations) between HDC and Proponents will be carried out. This CFP consists of this document and each of its accompanying Appendices (each, a CFP Document).
In particular, the CFP documents include:
* the Returnable Schedules, included as Appendix K to this CFP Document; and
* the draft Contracts, including as Appendix I to this CFP Document.
Proponents are encouraged to closely review this information and ensure any Proposal submitted in response to the CFP complies with the requirements set out in those documents.
Proposals must be submitted by the Closing Time and Date – 5pm on 22 October 2018.