
Pring Sales and Distribution Services to facilitate use of the Agency's Acute Care Classifications

Tender ID: 421610

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
22 May 2020
Closing Date:
19 June 2020

Tender Description

The Agency requires the successful Tenderer to print (where applicable), host (where applicable), sell and distribute current and future Acute Care Classification Products to Australian customers and licensed international customers.

The printing sale and distrbution services consist of the following components:

  1. Printing for publication of printed books.
  2. The distribution of electronic products, including the use and development of a secure access service for these products, prohibiting piracy.
  3. The secure storage and warehousing.
  4. The sale of products, including development and maintenance of an interface for placing an order, payment and invoicing.
  5. Managing enquiries from customers regarding the sale and shipping of their purchases.
  6. Monthly reports outlining sales quantities, purchasers, enquiries, payments, activity and remaining stock.
  7. Maintaining adequate levels of stock to facilitate sales.
  8. Printing and distributing products to identified standards. 

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