Registration of Interest for Delivery Opportunities for Future Schools in Castle Hill and Norwest
Tender ID: 494975
Tender Details
Tender Description
In order to meet SINSW’s forecast with respect to student enrolment demand, SINSW wishes to invite suitable parties who:
•own or control land, or can demonstrate an ability to secure an interest in land;
•have the ability to deliver the land and/or school infrastructure to meet the service demand;
•can demonstrate the ability to partner with SINSW for the delivery of the required school infrastructure in accordance with the State’s design requirements and relevant specifications; and
•establish and maintain a constructive and collaborative approach with SINSW for the delivery of the land and/or school infrastructure,
within the Castle Hill Showground or Norwest and/or Combined Target Areas to submit a ROI for the delivery of land and/or built form and/or floorspace for the required new primary and/or high school which for the purpose of this ROI should target operation for the commencement of Term 1 in 2026 (NSW).
An electronic data room (Data Room) has been established to facilitate the provision of information for the ROI process.
Access to the Data Room will be granted by PDNSW (at PDNSW’s absolute discretion) on acceptance of a Confidentiality and Process Deed Poll and Authorised User Form submitted in accordance with the conditions outlined in the ROI Conditions. The Data Room is subject to the Data Room Protocol. Instructions and conditions are set out in the ROI Conditions.
Please submit the completed Confidentiality and Process Deed Poll and Annex A - Due Diligence and Project Materialto hap_pdnsw_advisory& requesting access to the Data Room.
Please ensure the Confidentiality and Process Deed Poll is completed as per the signing instructions.