Cryer's Bridge Replacement - Myrrhee-Whitlands Road
Tender ID: 570124
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) is seeking a suitably qualified contractor to complete the construction of the existing steel bridge over Boggy Creek with a new single span bridge. The site is located on Myrrhee-Whitlands Road in Myrrhee, approximateley 150m south of the Boggy Creek Road.
Myrrhee-Whitfield Road will remain closed to through traffic between the limit of works. A detour route will be established via the Benalla-Whitfield Road some 1.5km of Myrrhee-Whitlands Road for the duration of the works. The new works have been designed in accordance with the requirements of AS5100-2017 with a SM1600 design load capacity.
Tenders will include the following:
- Completion of Response Schedule as supplied on eProcure (completion is mandatory).
- Construction Methodology to be submitted as part of assessment.
- Works programme/timeline showing key dates and milestones.
- Evidence of experience in successfully delivering similar types of projects.
- Completion of the Schedule of Rates spreadsheet (information to be submitted in the provided template).
- Tenderers should make their own assessment of the Services to be provided, and base their tenders accordingly.