Installation of Wombat Crossings, Anglesea Township
Tender ID: 573635
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Surf Coast Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified civil engineering contractors to undertake road safety improvement works at several locations in Anglesea.
Only queries regarding confidential issues are to be made directly to the Contact Person:
Senior Contracts Manager, David Kilpatrick on (03) 5261 0600
Tenders must be completely uploaded into the electronic tender box by the closing time. Tenderers will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion.
Tenders not complying with the requirements - for example, tenders submitted by facsimile or email, will not be accepted.
It is the Tenderer's responsibility to ensure that correct lodgement occurs. Submissions not conforming to these conditions may not be accepted, in the absolute discretion of Council.
Late or incorrectly lodged tenders will not be considered.