FRRW Laen Litchfield Road DP12
Tender ID: 574758
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Buloke Shire Council invites Tenders from competent and experienced Contractors for Flood Recovery Reinstatement Works with works involving the reinstatement of seal, pavement and subgrade to pre flood condition on Laen Litchfield Road Ch 7.780KM - CH 10.015KM
REGISTRATION: Tender documents must be obtained after registration
ENQUIRIES: Tender enquiries should be directed via the online forum
SUBMISSIONS: Tenders must be submitted via the electronic tender box (see option below). Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion. Should assistance be required please use the online manual on the portal under Support/Online Manuals/Making a Submission
CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Tenders must be fully received before time. Buloke Shire Council is not bound to accept the lowest priced Tender or all or any part of a Tender and reserves the right to conduct the Request for Tender process and select the successful respondent(s) as it sees fit. Buloke Shire Council staff are unable to respond to verbal enquiries in relation to any Tender proposal. Late, verbal, postal, facsimiled or emailed Tenders will not be accepted.