
Expression of Interest Tasmanian Catholic Education Office Solar Energy

Tender ID: 353679

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
28 April 2018
Closing Date:
25 May 2018

Tender Description

The Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (TCEO) is seeking suitable Candidates to submit a submission in our Solar Energy Expression of Interest (EoI). The TCEO has chosen three pilot sites from a selection of twenty-eight school and college sites. The TCEO wishes to explore the possibility of generating solar energy at the three chosen sites, with the aim of minimising power supply costs (as found on electricity bills).

A successful Candidate would be one that best balances capital cost, annual operation cost with annual savings to achieve the best net present value. Candidates must demonstrate a high level of understanding of the conditions of each site, which will influence the accuracy of the Candidate's energy consumption and solar energy generation profile models. Candidates will also need to consider payback periods which will least expose the TCEO to future market risks.

Suitable Candidates will need to have designed and installed at least one solar energy system into an education facility. They will also need to have relevant qualification and insurances compatible to the conditions of the EoI.

With this opportunity the TCEO wishes Candidates the very best with their submissions.


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