CRJO Regional Workforce Strategy
Tender ID: 399844
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Canberra Region is a unique and diverse geographic region which stretches from the South-West Slopes, through the Sydney-Canberra Corridor across the Eurobodalla down to the Sapphire Coast and then up to the Snowy Mountains.
The Canberra Region Joint Organisation provides a forum for councils, state agencies and other stakeholders to work together at a regional level to identify shared priorities. This will help to deliver important regional projects, delivering better outcomes for communities.
Proposal Brief
One of the priorities established in the CRJO Strategic Plan includes the preparation of a Regional Workforce Strategy, aimed at building capacity and capability in the LGAs.
The CRJO often explores opportunities to collaborate and jointly procure services or deliver a program or project on behalf of member councils. It’s appropriate then to scope a Regional Workforce Strategy (RWFS) to capture the high level issues, risks and options confronting the councils and ACT government to attract, retain and develop a suitably skilled and scaled workforce in their respective organisations.
What’s different now though, is the prospect of further skills and wages competition from Snowy 2.0 to the south and Badgerys Creek aerotropolis to the north of the Canberra region. This region is on the cusp of an unprecedented infrastructure pipeline at national, state and local government level. That construction and development activity draws on the traditional skill base of local government – engineers, planners, building and environmental regulatory professionals, designers, surveyors, trades, plant operators and other technical staff – and generates further pressure on those LGAs with rate revenue caps and ageing workforces.