Business for Sale Manufacturer of Concrete Products
Tender ID: 404722
Tender Details
Tender Description
Hensgen Partners is seeking expression of interest in the sale of MILCast, a manufacturer of concrete products used primarily in water infrastructure for agricultural and commercial applications.
Features include:
- Revenue (LY65) in the range of $3.6 to $5.7 million
- Extensive collection of products moulds and equipment
- Client base is a mix of agricultural and statutory bodies
- Ability to manufacture custom products to order
- Substantial capacity for future growth
The business is well equipped and has growth potential. Whilst the business is currently focussed on manufacturing products for irrigation water infrastructure, there are many potential options for expansion into new product lines, markets and regions.
Non Bindin Indicative Offices due 5pm, 20 November 2019.
Further information please contact:
Mark Uebergang
T: 03 5039 5522
M: 0410 520 195