Computer Generated Print and Mail House Services
Tender ID: 449981
Tender Details
Tender Description
This public Registrations of Interest (ROI) has been issued to enable the participating Councils of Waikato LASS (WLASS) to shortlist suppliers who can provide exceptional computer-generated print, mail house and e-services. Shortlisted suppliers will then participate in an Online Reverse Auction.
The service required includes the provision of computer-generated print and mail house processing for the Councils for their Rates, including Water Rates, and other large print volumes, from computer generated data files – this may vary from each Council. Preferred customer pricing will also be required for Ad Hoc print services.
The Councils participating in this ROI are:
- Waikato District Council
- Hamilton City Council
- Hauraki District Council
- Waipā District Council
- Waikato Regional Council
- Matamata-Piako District Council
The contract for this ROI includes a joining clause should additional WLASS Councils decide to join into this contract.