Panel of Builders for the Construction of Mt Carmel Catholic College, Varroville
Tender ID: 456126
Tender Details
Tender Description
Mt Carmel catholic Collge, Varroville. Construction of a new Science and TAS Building, minor refubishment of five (5) existing school buildings, associated external including landscaping and new COLA.
Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong, is seeking to establish a panel of builders to tender construction of the above project.
Expressions of interest are invited from qualified building contractors. Submissions will be assessed against the following criteria: Company details, Experience in working on school projects, Referees for relevant recently complted projects, Capability and capacity to undertake the works, Business and WHS systems employed. The proposed team.
Send EOI in electronic format only and with 10Mb size limit by 2pm on Friday 4th June 2021. Emailed to, Attn: 2012 Varroville EOI.