Wharf Maintenance Project
Tender ID: 462907
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Jervis Bay Maritime Museum has a "Jetty" which is used as a platform for presentations and feeding the fish in the pond.
The existing structure is now 30 years old and has structural issues which were identified by Jones Nicolson in their Structural Assessment 2014 . Part of the wharf has been cordoned off for safety reasons.
The handrails around the perimeter are deteriorating and the decking is showing substantial wear and needs replacement. This project aims to rectify
The specific project objectives are:
1. Carry out all remedial works identified in the drawings and specification required to address structural and Work Health safety issues issues
2. Replace timber piles that have rotted and all decking and handrails as specified
3. Ensure that all works completed are easily maintained in good condition for the duration of their operational life (up to 50years)
4. Ensure that all works are completed so that the overall historic, aesthetic and intrinsic values of the wharf are maintained
5. Meeting all statutory and regulatory requirements (including any environmental requirements, processes or permits for an estuarine area if required)