
Library Management System

Tender ID: 465076

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
13 August 2021
Awarded Date:
17 December 2021

Tender Description

UCOL has an existing Library Management System (LMS) that is at its “End of life” with the incumbent vendor no longer enhancing or developing this system. UCOL must replace this system and is seeking a new and modern Library Management System that will meet both todays and UCOL’s future needs.

Critical to the success of this project is a seamless migration from the incumbent Library Management system to the new Library Management system at a time when the Library is at low use by its students, which means a migration over a Semester Break period, with the best time being the Christmas/New Year break 2021/22. Also critical is including the integration with other Library Management systems in use with other subsidiaries under Te Pukenga (NZIST).

Following the implementation of the new Library Management System, UCOL will be moving very quickly to install a new RFID Management solution to take further advantage of the capabilities of the new LMS and RFID technology, which is also planned to occur over the Xmas/New Year Semester break 2021/22. This is not part of this ROI, it is included as information only, however the replacement Library Management System must support this technology. 


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