
Telehealth in RACFs Educational Component

Tender ID: 516448

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
18 January 2023
Closing Date:
14 February 2023

Tender Description

The education module of the Telehealth in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) project aims to inform RACF staff and their primary care providers on the appropriate use of telehealth services.

Adelaide Primary Health Network (Adelaide PHN) invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced organisations or sole provider to deliver this education module.
Proposals will be welcomed from all organisations that have the capacity and capability to deliver the service whether for profit, not for profit, or public sector organisations. Independent or joint (consortium, partnership, or joint venture) proposals from any such organisations are welcomed.

The successful applicant will be expected to commence delivery of the services by 20 March 2023. In addition, the successful provider will be required to conduct further education sessions at a later date as discussed between Adelaide PHN and the provider.
Adelaide PHN is one of 31 independent organisations nationwide that are funded by the Australian Government to coordinate and improve primary health care services in their local areas.

The Australian Governments objectives for Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are that they will

1. increase the efficiency and effectiveness of health services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes and
2. improve coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Adelaide PHN commissions services that caters to 1.2 million people living in the Adelaide metropolitan area, reaching from Sellicks Hill to Angle Vale and from the foothills to the sea.

Adelaide PHN aims to improve health outcomes for the community by commissioning services to address local needs. It is guided by community, clinical and stakeholder input.

For more information, please visit the Adelaide PHN website at The website includes publications, resources, maps, population health data, and needs assessments for the Adelaide metropolitan area. 


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