PEAK DOWNS HIGHWAY (33A) CLERMONT-NEBO (CHAINAGES 108.1-110.25 - MWD Millennium to Carborough Overtaking Lanes Biodiversity Survey & Report
Tender ID: 533339
Tender Details
Tender Description
PEAK DOWNS HIGHWAY (33A) CLERMONT-NEBO (CHAINAGES 108.1-110.25 - MWD Millennium to Carborough Overtaking Lanes Biodiversity Survey & Report - Desktop and Field Assessments and reporting as per C7558 Terms of Reference (ToR) for Review of Environmental factors (REF) on selected environmental factors at the Millennium to Carborough Overtaking - Design and Construct
Tender Enquiries:
Name: Ritesh Poudel
Phone: (07) 4951 8510 / 0499 843 307
Email: AND (preferred)