
Tender for Streetlight Replacement, Balmoral Beach Promenade, Mosman

Tender ID: 546605

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
16 December 2023
Closing Date:
30 January 2024

Tender Description

The majority of scope of works of this project is ASP 1 Electrical Works. The works are detailed in the attached Ausgrid Certified Documents (AN 22561) 12 Sheets dated 25/08/2023 prepared by JHA Consulting Engineers.

Tenderers should note that parts of the works are funded by Ausgrid and the rest of the works are funded by Mosman Council. Table showing the funding arrangement and the conditions associated with Ausgrid funded works are shown in Sheet 11 /12 of the Ausgrid Certified Drawings. To facilitate this funding arrangement, Tenderers are to provide cost breakdowns separately for Ausgrid and Council funded works including the applicable % of preliminaries and other general costs.

Please note that there is an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) associated with this project and a copy of AHIP is also provided. Tenderers are required to comply with the AHIP Conditions. The copies of all other relevant reports will be provided to the selected contractor.

Any queries in relation to this Request For Tender (RFT) should be directed through the Online Forum only and tenderers are advised to refrain from contacting Council staff or the Consultants for tender clarifications.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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