Lead Consultant and Consultancy team – Ngamawari (Acton Waterfront Park) Construction Documentation
Tender ID: 549994
Tender Details
Tender Description
This procurement seeks a lead consultant to work closely with the Authority to develop a strategy for the delivery of the Acton Waterfront Park, detailing and considering the work to date on the existing sketch plan design.
The scope of works includes:
1.Document Ready (DR)/Issue for Construction (IFC) Documentation.
2.Final Design (DR) Report.
3.Engineering Design and Documentation.
4.Capital works infrastructure planning.
5.Safety in Design. In undertaking the above tasks, the consultants should have regard to the detailed work undertaken to date and to the current work referenced in the Statement of Requirements.
This Request for 57708-RFT-100 includes confidential information. Suppliers are advised there will be two tender boxes as follows:
57708-DOC-100 and
Suppliers must complete the Confidentiality Deed found in 57708-DOC-100 and submit electronically through the Tenders ACT system to gain access to the confidential document contained in tender box 57708-RFT-100.
Tender submission are to be uploaded in 57708-RFT-100 box.