67 Auld Avenue, Milperra, NSW - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment – Registration Of Interest
Tender ID: 553279
Tender Details
Tender Description
Urbis has been commissioned by Abacus Riverlands Investments Pty Ltd (‘the Proponent’) to conduct an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (‘ACHA’) of 67 Auld Avenue, Milperra, NSW (‘the subject area’), legally defined as:
- Lot 22 DP 749985
- Lot 10 DP 731859
- Part Lot 231 DP 805826
- Part Lot 21 DP 749985
- Part Lot 1 DP 813006
- Part Lot 232 DP 805826
The subject area is within the Canterbury-Bankstown Local Government Area.
The ACHA is being prepared to support a Concept Development Application for a registered club and associated amenities. The ACHA may support a future application for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (‘AHIP’) should this be required.
The Proponent can be contacted via:
Don Muggli
Abacus Group
E: dmuggli@abacusgroup.com.au
In accordance with Section 4.1.3 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents (DECCW 2010) and Clause 80C of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2009 (NSW), the Proponent is seeking the registration of Aboriginal persons or groups who may hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal object(s) and/or place(s) that may be present in the subject area.
The purpose of community consultation with Aboriginal people is to assist the Proponent in the preparation of the ACHA and the assessment of the cultural heritage significance of the subject area.
Kirsten Downey
Urbis Ltd
Level 8, 123 Pitt Street,
Sydney, NSW, 2000
E: kdowney@urbis.com.au
Please be advised that the Proponent is required to forward the names of registered Aboriginal parties to Heritage NSW and the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council unless the party specifies that they do not want their details released.