
Options for a National System to Manage the Security of C-ITS Messages

Tender ID: 567728

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
20 September 2024
Closing Date:
20 January 2025

Tender Description


Austroads seeks responses from experienced service providers to identify key functional requirements and options for implementing a national system. This system will manage the security of Co-operative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) messages across Australia.


The objective of this project is to develop and outline options for an Australian Security Credential Management System (SCMS). The project is intended to provide Australian government with a baseline reference report to help inform and support decisions making on SCMS by Commonwealth, state, and territory governments.


This project aims to develop options for a national system to manage the security of C-ITS messages. The security system must be:

  • suitable for both long- and short-range communications
  • suitable for scenarios using separate, harmonised or a single national C-ITS Central Station
  • aligned with national security and privacy requirements.

This project is intended to provide Australian governments with a baseline reference report to help inform future decisions. The research report should be easily understood by general audiences who may not have relevant domain or technical knowledge. It should be professionally laid out to support readability and engagement and not be presented as a lengthy academic or detailed technical report.

It is envisioned that a follow-up project, if agreed by the Austroads Board, will focus on the New Zealand perspective. Therefore, issues relating to New Zealand are out of scope.


This project will produce the following final deliverables:

  • inception meeting and project plan with detailed scope and timeline
  • draft report chapters on Part 1 SCMS overview, Part 2 Summary of key functional requirements and components and Part 3 International benchmarking
  • draft report chapters on Part 4 Considerations for Australian decision makers and Part 5 SCMS options for Australia
  • draft report chapters on Part 6 Comparative analysis and Part 7 Summary of findings
  • draft research report for PCG & VaT Taskforce review
  • final report for Austroads Board endorsement and publication
  • webinar presenting project outcomes to Austroads members.

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