Economic Data Modelling Services
Tender ID: 572909
Tender Details
Tender Description
TAFE NSW is seeking economic modelling, with experience in vocational education and training (VET), to provide comprehensive set of demographic, labour market & training demand 10 year forecasts
Project goals
TAFE NSW are taking a two stage process to engage an appropriate supplier.
Stage 1 - Registration for Opportunity - see attachment - Closes 28/11/2024
Stage 2 - TAFE NSW will issue an inviation to the RFP via TAFE NSW - expected 29/11/2024
The scope of the data requirements is outlined in the following components:
- Component 1 – Demographic and Labour Market Forecasts
This component contains forecasts of population, industry and occupational employment, job openings and other labour market indicators for NSW. This allows TAFE NSW to have the requisite demographic and economic intelligence to support educational planning and strategic decision-making. The forecasts will be developed in line with the NSW Government’s Common Planning Assumptions but broken down to the detailed level required (e.g. ANZSCO 6-digit) to support TAFE NSW’s planning.
- Component 2 – Training Demand Forecasts
This component determines training demand in NSW (i.e. the number of required courses by award level and skill area) based on factors such as employment growth, upskilling and reskilling needs, job movements and exits, migration, community development needs and personal interest training. This component allows TAFE NSW to ascertain skill gaps, identify opportunities for growth, and align training to the state’s skills demand.