Health NZ – Passive Fire Materials ROI
Tender ID: 573174
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Health New Zealand (Waitaha Canterbury) Passive Fire Programme provides passive fire protection advice and support to our Infrastructure and Investment teams. Over the last 7 years we have worked with primary and secondary suppliers of passive fie products across all our Waitaha Canterbury infrastructure and investment projects. Our intention is to establish Te Waipounamu - South Island wide programme by establishing a regional panel of product suppliers (and separately a potential panel of installers).
This ROI relates only to the supply of products (not installation). The intended approach is to provide consistency, compliance and quality passive fire products that reduce inadequacies, cross materials mixing and noncompliant installations. Successful suppliers who become members of the Health NZ (Te Waipounamu) Passive Fire Products Supplier Panel will work closely with our Design teams, consultant and installers to provide the best fit for purpose solution that aids with future proofing in our ever-changing environment across Te Waipounamu.