
Light Horse Park - Early Works Civil and Car Park Construction Works

Tender ID: 573830

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
27 November 2024
Closing Date:
6 February 2025

Tender Description

ABOUT LIVERPOOL: Liverpool is fast becoming Sydney's third CBD as the Gateway City to Western Sydney Airport. Its current population of almost 250,000 is estimated to reach over 300,000 by 2030. Liverpool City Council is leading the community through a period of rapid change and growth towards a more dynamic city centre with a vibrant night-time economy.

ABOUT THE PROPOSED CONTRACT: Council is seeking proposals from prequalified contractors for Civil and Structural Construction Works related to the Light Horse Park Car Park and surrounds as part of Council's transformation of the Light Horse Park.

Lighthorse Park is a public reserve that is owned and managed by Council. It is an approximately 5.1 hectare open space bound to the east by the Georges River and the main Leppington-Sydney train line and the Liverpool CBD to the west.

The Lighthorse Park masterplan and redevelopment forms part of Council's portfolio of Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant Program (WSIGP) - funded community infrastructure project's to be developed and delivered to the community by December 2026. With additional funding provided from Council, the early works component is an important first step in the overall transformation of Light Horse Park.

The Lighthorse Park masterplan has been developed by Gallagher Studios as the lead consultant with other specialist consultants in heritage, environmental, social infrastructure, geotechnical and other disciplines to establish a clear vision for the park.

Part of the early works package is the integration of an accessible outdoor workout and recreational area as well as connection to the new accessible kayak launch facility for people of all abilities.

Council has previously run a process for the procurement of works and services to redevelop the carpark at Lighthorse park. This process was run through Council's recommended contractor listing but Council became aware further planning was required with respect to understanding the nature of inground material and the need, from a value management perspective, to seek proposals from tenderers for alternate methodologies for performance of the works. Council's current design envisages a suspended concrete slab which, if implemented, will result in remediation requirements being significantly reduced.

Council will be conducting a compulsory online tender briefing for potential Tenderers at 11:00am on 3rd December 2024.

Potential Tenderers are required to register for the tender briefing by e-mailing the Procurement Team at with the following information by 9:00am on 2nd December 2024:

- Company Name:

- Company ABN:

- Attendee/Representative Name:

- Attendee/Representative Phone Number:

- Attendee/Representative Email Address:

The Council will only send an MS Teams invite to the registered potential Tenderers.

ENQUIRIES: Project enquiries must be submitted to the online forum. Liverpool City Council staff are not permitted to take enquiries in relation to the project.

DOING BUSINESS WITH COUNCIL: Please refer to the Doing Business with Liverpool City Council guide at click here. The guide provides a summary of the standards that Council requires of persons or organisations providing work for Council as consultants, contractors and suppliers. When dealing with Council in your capacity as a provider of goods and services, you must conduct your business in accordance with Council's ethical standards and legal requirements.

SUBMISSIONS: Offers must be completely uploaded as pdf files (unless another format is specified by Council to any particular document/s) into the electronic tender box by the closing time. Council recommends that you allow sufficient time to lodge your offer, all supporting documents and attachments as late submissions will not be accepted after the closing time. You should also consider the number and size of the documents as these may take time to process and upload. Tenderers will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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