Annual Comprehensive Playground Safety Inspection Program
Tender ID: 574857
Tender Details
Tender Description
Playgrounds and nature play areas are leading causes of injury to children at department sites and are one of the department’s key work health and safety (WHS) risks. WHS legislation requires the department to provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and structures. Failure to maintain safe playground equipment increases the risk of serious injury to children and young people and exposes the department to the risk of prosecution under WHS legislation and litigation under civil law.
The department’s Outdoor learning environments standard (OLE standard) sets out the requirements for the inspection and maintenance of outdoor learning environments, including playgrounds and nature play areas. The OLE Standard aligns with Australian Standards for managing risks associated with playgrounds.
This procurement will identify independent providers who are accredited to undertake annual comprehensive playground inspections at department sites in accordance with AS 4685 and impact testing in accordance with AS 4422.