Seeking a member for the Aotearoa New Zealand Adult Medicine Clinical Examination Subcommittee
Tender ID: 575159
Tender Details
Tender Description
A vacancy is available on the Aotearoa New Zealand Adult Medicine Clinical Examination Subcommittee (AM CExS) for a Trainee Representative.
Kaupapa o te Komiti | Purpose of the Committees
The Aotearoa NZ AM CExS:
- oversees the clinical examination coordination and operations in New Zealand
- reviews guidelines for candidates and examiners undertaking New Zealand examinations
- reviews policies and procedures for conducting the examinations and recommend adaptations for the New Zealand context, as needed
- oversees the calibration, training and recruitment of examiners and local examination organisers in New Zealand
- convenes a Senior Examiners Panel in New Zealand and appoints co-opted examiners
- prepares annual reports to the Assessment Committee – Adult Medicine on conduct of New Zealand exam and issues arising
Aotearoa NZ CExS acknowledges Te Tiriti ō Waitangi and the foundational principles of bicultural partnership, participation, and protection it guarantees. We therefore commit that all our policies will consider the impact on the wellbeing and mana of Māori as tangata whenua and ensure that these policies uphold the above principles.
Takohanga | Responsibilities
The Committee meets up to twice a year, 1 of which is kanohi ki te kanohi | face-to-face in Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington. Travel costs are covered under the RACP Travel Policy.
Most of the mahi will occur during scheduled hui. There is likely to be up to 2 hours of pre-reading required before each hui. Members may be asked to respond to communication out of session.
Paearu Mātauranga, Paearu Wheako | Knowledge and experience criteria
- be a RACP Member of mātai rata pakeke | Adult Medicine, who resides in Aotearoa NZ
- high level communication skills and demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to build positive partnerships
- computer literate with access to a computer
- ability and capacity to prepare appropriately and diligently for participation in RACP activities
The subcommittee prefers to have a regional spread so that the whole of Aotearoa New Zealand is covered, we would prefer applications from the South Island and Central regions but will accept any applications received.
Read the Terms of Reference (PDF) before applying.
To apply, submit an expression of interest form (DOC) and a copy of your latest CV to
For more information, contact the Aotearoa NZ Exams Team at: