Sale of Industrial Land Gilgandra
Tender ID: 577592
Tender Details
Tender Description
ABOUT THE COUNCIL: Gilgandra is located in the central west of New South Wales approximately halfway between Melbourne and Brisbane and approximately 45 minutes north of the regional centre of Dubbo. Gilgandra has a population of 2,700 people with 4,700 living in the district.
ABOUT THE EOI: Gilgandra Shire Council (Council) is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from businesses or individuals who are interested in purchasing the following properties:
* Lot 103 in Deposited Plan 1209112 being 7 Enterprise Drive, Gilgandra NSW 2827
* Lot 11 in unregistered plan of subdivision in Deposited Plan 752554 being part 97 Warren Road, Gilgandra NSW 2827
* Lot 12 in unregistered plan of subdivision in Deposited Plan 752554 being part 97 Warren Road, Gilgandra NSW 2827 (Properties).
Council is currently in the process of construction services at 97 Warren Road, Gilgandra to allow registration of a 12 Lot industrial subdivision.
The intention of the EOI process is to establish if there is significant interest and benefit to Council and/or the community in proceeding with a sale of the Properties.
REGISTRATION: EOI documents may be obtained after registration
ENQUIRIES: EOI enquiries should be directed via the online forum.
SUBMISSIONS: Gilgandra Shire Council requests tenderers to submit their EOI via the electronic tender box using the Word or PDF version of the Submission and Checklist Form.
Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion.
LOCAL PURCHASING POLICY: Gilgandra Shire Council has a local purchasing policy.
STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS: Gilgandra Shire Council will undertake this EOI in accordance with its Statement of Business Ethics.
The Council is not bound to accept the lowest priced Tender or all or any part of an EOI and reserves the right to conduct the Request for EOI process and select the successful respondent(s) as it sees fit. Council staff are unable to respond to verbal enquiries in relation to the proposal. Late, verbal, faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.