
Works Contract - Kerb and Gutter

Tender ID: 577785

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
1 February 2025
Closing Date:
14 February 2025

Tender Description

PURPOSE: for the supply of services to undertake Kerb and Gutter Repairs along Algalah Street Narromine NSW 2821 at the determined locations.

INVITATION: Any person willing to fulfil the requirements of the proposed contract is invited to submit a tender to the Council by the deadline of 5.00 pm AEDT on Friday, 14th February 2025.

DOCUMENTS: Tender documents must be obtained after registration .

INFORMATION: All enquiries should be directed to Jordan Richardson, Manager Engineering Services.

PRE-TENDER MEETING TO BE HELD: No pretender meeting will be held.

TENDERERS TO NOTE: In the preparation and submission of the tender and without limiting the Tenderer's obligations, the Tenderer shall:

- submit a tender which includes all Schedules including the Tenderer's Declaration Schedule and any other declaration required completely filled in and signed, together with any other documents, information and details necessary to make the tender complete;

- not submit a tender without a firm intention to proceed;

- not engage in any form of collusive practice;

- not directly or indirectly canvass support from an elected member or employee of Council at any time.


New South Wales   :   Orana  

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