Hepburn Shire Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced consultant or team of specialists to create a conceptual masterplan for the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve
Tender ID: 578675
Tender Details
Tender Description
Hepburn Shire Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced consultant or team of specialists to create a conceptual masterplan for the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve, located in Hepburn Springs, Victoria.
Hepburn Mineral Springs is a 30-hectare reserve nestled amongst a larger regional park setting. It is home to several important and popular Mineral Springs, the premium commercial facility Hepburn Bathhouse, a café, walking tracks and picnic areas. The site is already a key visitor destination but has the potential to become a site of great tourism significance.
The works include:
• Analysis of existing tourism product
• Site and Needs Analysis
• Review of Strategic Direction
• Preparation of a Concept Masterplan
• Community Engagement
• Economic Analysis.